
Pragmatic Optimism

Observations from building software and companies, plus the occasional life experiences.

Founding fears

A few months ago, I was chatting with a friend who’s a repeat founder. I told him how I was both excited and terrified about starting something from scratch. He asked me what I was afraid of, and as I’ve had more time to reflect, I decided to write those fears down.

The end of test-driven development

According to some recent estimates, about one in four engineers use TDD, a figure that aligns with Google Trends data. Over the past few years, the adoption rate has ranged from 20% to 25%. Based on my recent coding experience, I believe TDD's popularity will decline.

Executive transitions

Senior-level transitions aren't often discussed. Having observed many firsthand, and now having gone through one myself, I want to share more details on the process and how I approached my own transition, in case it's helpful for future leaders going through their own. Transitions at this level involve a unique set of challenges and opportunities that aren't broadly visible. Whether you're an executive facing a transition, a founder preparing for leadership changes, or simply interested in the dynamics of high-level corporate shifts, I hope these reflections can offer practical guidance and a deeper understanding of what makes these transitions successful.